The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) is a vibrant and dynamic sector. Often termed as ‘’engine of growth’’ with over 6 crores units, providing employment to more than 11 crores people, having 28% share of GDP and 40% of exports. This sector exhibit importance in promoting sustainable and inclusive development as well as generating large scale employment.
Like other sectors, MSME also has been adversely affected in terms of productivity during COVID-19. Accordingly, the efficiency and productivity of MSME assume further significance to achieve overall objectives of economic development and a V shape recovery of Indian Economy.
MSME ministry was created in 2004 and MSMED (Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development) Act was enacted in 2006 with aim of facilitating promotion and development and enhancing the competitiveness of MSMEs and matters connected.
To achieve the goal of India to become a $5 Trillion economy, the MSMEs have a very pivotal role to play. The PLI schemes for Electronics Manufacturing announced target $200 Billion of manufacturing in next 4-5years. This translates into roughly $180 Billion of components and subassemblies required. A portion of this can and needs to be catered by the MSME sector of the country.
This is critical piece of India’s strategy to achieve global leadership in Electronics manufacturing. MSME’s are key stakeholders of our economy generating employment, creating wealth, and improving the lives of our citizens. In the context of Electronics, they are a critical support system to large-scale manufacturing units looking to enter India. MSME’s play a critical role in value addition done in the country and increasing sustainable manufacturing to India geography
Currently, most electronic MSMEs are facing many issues, they are strapped for finances, ability to attract skilled but expensive manpower, access to new technology required by the electronic sector, environmental and statutory compliance.
MAIT MSME FORUM is a unique initiative of MAIT headed by leaders and pioneers of EMS industry, passionate to see Indian ESDM MSMEs reaching scale and heights. We from our nearly 4 decades of experience working in the sector believe in the untapped potential and its capacity to make India into an Electronics manufacturing Hub.
As per Industry estimates, while India is looking at $180 Billion business through Electronics manufacturing by 2025, considering 6 to 8 % of value addition to be done in India, we are looking at $ 170 Billion import of Raw materials.
This is a fast-building opportunity for domestic Electronics MSMEs to capture and reach to scale from this economic demand boost. MAIT envisages to create an enabling ecosystem for Electronics MSME`s who can make India into a manufacturing Hub for Electronics in India.
To develop, maintain and accelerate competitive ICT ecosystem that will transform india into a digital knowledge economy and a globally competitive manufacturing hub
Our vision statement encompasses our values and beliefs, MAIT works as a Mentor and guide to help augment Indian Electronics Component manufacturing ecosystem banking on Indian Entrepreneur Spirit, ability and ambition to become an Export Led Economy in the field of Electronics Manufacturing by bridging Industry, Technology & Public Policy.